Hi! I'm Danielle Arlinghaus.

I'm a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating beautiful websites.


Sticky Notes App Project

Sticky Notes App

A greenfield project coded with React that uses multiple components to create a sticky note UI that allows users to add, edit, search, and delete notes.

Skills: React, ES6, JSX, Manipulating the DOM, Managing Data Flow

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Page
GitHub Repo Gallery Project

GitHub Repo Gallery

A gallery of repos that uses GitHub's API to pull data from my account. Visitors can click on the repos for more information and search for specific repos.

Skills: JavaScript, Manipulating the DOM, API's

Tools: Visual Studio Code, GitHub

Live Page
Guess the Word Game Project

Guess The Word Game

A game where players guess a random word one letter at a time. If they guess the correct word before using up their allotted number of guesses, they win.

Skills: JavaScript, Manipulating the DOM, API's

Tools: Visual Studio Code, GitHub

Live Page
Unplugged Project


A multi-page responsive website for a work retreat that is coded with Flexbox to adapt to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: Visual Studio Code, Photoshop, GitHub

Live Page
Rogue Pickings Project

Rogue Pickings

A single-page website for a simple restaurant that was transformed from a static design to a responsive design using Flexbox.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: Visual Studio Code, Photoshop, GitHub

Live Page




Git and GitHub

Responsive Web Development




Chrome DevTools

Visual Studio Code



My Headshot Photo

Hi! I'm Danielle Arlinghaus.

I'm a Front End Web Developer who loves to code clean, responsive websites.

I come to the tech field with a background in public assistance case processing and quality assurance, but have always loved to be creative. After shifting career focus, I dove into front end development through Skillcrush's online Break Into Tech program, where I discovered a desire to code and build for the web. I continue to build up my tech skills through online resources and love to learn new tips and tricks to help me be a better coder. When I'm not coding, you can find me out in nature, traveling to new places, or participating in film discussions with friends.